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So, you’ve decided you’d like to join a Sixth Form rather than go to college, pursue a Level 2 apprenticeship or go into employment.  That’s a big decision!

If you’ve not yet visited YJB’s Sixth Form, or hadn’t considered us before, what are some of the reasons to come along and talk to us on Tuesday 21st January at our Open Evening?  It’s not endearing to blow your own trumpet, but here’s a few reasons to get you thinking:

  1. Being one of the largest Sixth Forms in the region we are able to offer close to 40 different Level 3 courses;
  2. Year-on-year we find ourselves in the top 25% of school in the UK in terms of academic achievement;
  3. We pride ourselves on exceptional pastoral care and helping students from all walks of life reach their full potential, whatever barriers that may have to overcome;
  4. 93% of students go to their first choice university and 38% go to Russell Group universities – this is significantly above the national average;
  5. We have excellent links to local and regional apprenticeship providers;
  6. We work hard to ensure that every student gets the support and challenge that they need to realise their full potential.



And if you’d rather not take my word for it, here is what Estyn said about our Sixth Form in their report from 2024:

  1. The school plans and adapts its curriculum well to meet pupils’ needs and this is a strong feature. In the sixth form, it offers an extensive range of academic and vocational courses to support pupils’ aspirations and career path;
  2. The provision of support for vulnerable learners and those disadvantaged by poverty, equally for their learning and their personal development, is a strength of the school;
  3. Sixth form pupils are excellent ambassadors of the school. They are mature, sensible and well-spoken young people who take substantial responsibility for their academic and personal development… Many are clear on their chosen career pathway and value highly the academic and personal support they receive from relevant leaders and staff;
  4. Directors of learning know the pupils in their year groups very well. Together with support staff, they ensure that pupils are provided with helpful emotional support and guidance to overcome any barriers that might prevent them in engaging in learning;
  5. Effective transition arrangements enable pupils to settle well when they join Ysgol John Bright and in their integration into sixth form or further study. Directors of learning and staff plan and facilitate a comprehensive range of activities that support pupils to maintain high levels of wellbeing and achievement as they move to their next steps;
  6. The Director of learning for the sixth form offers a broad range of relevant activities and talks for pupils in Year 11 who are considering their next steps. This helps them make well-informed choices;
  7. There are ample opportunities for pupils to develop their communication and leadership skills and this is a notable strength of the school. Pupil representatives run the school Senedd independently and others participate in a wide variety of committees that focus on important aspects such as diversity, well-being, and teaching and learning. These committees have successfully brought about positive change, such as introducing an accessible ‘Kindness Locker’ which provides any pupil with essential personal items and adapting learning environments carefully to support pupils with sensory needs.

I am personally determined that our Sixth Form goes on to cement its reputation as one of the very best places to study in the region.  Everything we do is built around getting the very best for our students; we endeavour to be the best we can be so that your children can go on to be the best that they can be.

Talk to parents and students locally about how they feel about our Sixth Form.  Like them, I’m confident that you will want us to be a part of your son or daughter’s journey too.  

I very much look forward to meeting you at our Open Evening or indeed to facilitate a visit at a time that would suit you.

Mr C Davies | Head of Sixth Form | Ysgol John Bright