01492 864200

Sixth Form Information

Key Contacts Sixth Form

Choose Year Group

of Learning

Mr Chris Davies

Wellbeing & Behaviour

Ms Caroline Byett

Assistant Director
of Learning

Mrs Natalie Williams

Sixth Form Application Timeline 2025

Welcome to Sixth Form

Thank you for considering Ysgol John Bright Sixth Form. We are very proud of our students’ achievements and the fact that our A level outcomes have, for the last three years, put our Sixth Form in the top 25% of schools in the UK. We believe that equity, ellbeing and excellence are the cornerstones of a quality education and try to live by these core values in all that we do:

• Not all students are afforded the same privileges in life, so our job in the Sixth Form is to make sure students get the personalised support and the experiences they need in order to reach their full potential;
• Good mental and physical wellbeing is underpinned by good pastoral support from a well-trained and experienced Sixth Form team;
• Excellence in everything we do, collectively as students and staff, is a fundamental priority for all of us in this Sixth Form.

Above all else, Sixth Form should be a happy time where you grow from dependence on the supports necessary in childhood to the independence required in adulthood. We look forward to helping you find out who you are, where your talents lie and how to craft a successful future for yourself in an ever-changing world. Whilst we are proud of our track record of sending around two thirds of our students to University, many to Russell Group, we are just as proud of those who choose to start their own businesses, enter the world of work or embark on an apprenticeship.

We try to make sure that all destinations after Sixth Form are valued equally, whilst always encouraging students to have the very highest aspirations. Through our close working relationship with Careers Wales, our use of products like ‘Unifrog’ and because of the extensive experience of the Sixth Form team, we have every confidence that with us you will get to know yourself and your talents well and how to apply them in the world when you leave us.

Growing independence through providing leadership opportunities is important to us. Through joining one of our ten student committees you will have the chance to make a significant contribution to school improvement and grow your skills of communication and project management. We expect you to be active citizens at our school, making a wider contribution to school life through volunteering and representing us in all parts of school life.

Our ambition is that the Sixth Form becomes a centre of excellence in the region where students can be sure that, because of our high expectations, our broad curriculum and outstanding pastoral support that they will go on to achieve extraordinary things. I do hope you consider joining us for the next part of your journey.

Mr C Davies
Head of Sixth Form

Life as a Sixth Form Student

You will find life as a Sixth Former to be a time of transition from childhood to adulthood. In many ways, we will treat you like professionals in a working environment and, accordingly, we will expect you to maintain the high standards of someone in a professional environment.

The Sixth Form is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm each day to allow you the chance to get ahead with school work and private study. We provide facilities for making hot drinks, arrange provision of snacks and fruit, and encourage you to maintain a good work-life balance by getting as much work done in school as possible, rather than taking lots of work home.

You will arrive at tutor time from 8:40am for an 8:50am start and spend 25 minutes a day with your form tutor. You will be introduced to ‘Unifrog’ and ‘Net Sixth Form’ as packages that can provide you with the skills and experience to succeed in the Sixth Form and you will also have weekly assemblies on important topics to prepare you for life as an adult. Your tutor will regularly review your progress with you and be your main point of contact at school.

You will study 3 or 4 A Levels (most choose 3) and the Welsh Baccalaureate.  

When you’re not in lessons you will have a combination of ‘Silent Study’ lessons (60% of non contact time) in EF15, ‘Super-Curricular’ lessons (20% of non-contact time)  where you can do volunteering, work experience, sport or preparation for university / apprenticeship applications and ‘Free’ time (20% of non-contact time) where you will be allowed to sign out.

Provided there are no concerns about your progress, attendance and achievement you will also be allowed to sign out at lunchtimes.

Although your lessons will finish at 3:00pm many students stay daily until 4:30pm knowing then that they will very rarely need to then work late into the night at home, when they could be doing things that promote good physical and mental wellbeing.   

In brief, our Sixth Form encourages hard work and dedication whilst giving you the opportunity to develop some independence and the ability to self regulate too.

Enrichment Opportunities and Activities

At our Sixth Form we are committed to offering students the very best enrichment opportunities available so that their wellbeing and future prospects are maximised.

  • All students have free access to platforms like ‘Unifrog’ and Massolit to support their super-curricular learning and experiences;  
  • We are open from 8:00am to 4:30pm to facilitate students’ study in their modern Sixth Form Centre, enjoying modern facilities;
  • We encourage students to use non-contact time to undertake volunteering, work experience.  Unlike many local schools we still offer students a designated week of work experience in Year 12 and organise day release for other work placements;
  • Most weeks you can expect to have guest speakers in assembly, universities visiting to run workshops and access to the best in virtual work experience placements;
  • We organise annual work experience placements in Marbella, Spain which are completely free of charge for students;
  • Where there is sufficient demand we offer the chance to go on a trip to America;
  • We are partnered with New College, Oxford University for their ‘Step-Up’ initiative offering our students a completely supported pathway to an Oxbridge application including mentoring and a residential visit;
  • Duke of Edinburgh (Silver and Gold) Award is available to all of our students;
  • You can expect a full programme of trips and visits such as to universities, theatres, galleries and performances.  You might even like to try your hand at our annual sea rowing taster event!
  • There are weekly clubs and activities open to the Sixth form in activities ranging from sports and chess through to debating and learning to cook on a budget;
  • You will have the chance to enter the Bar Mock Trial competition and test your skills defending and prosecuting a case in court
  • We have our own wellbeing garden for Sixth Form to use during study and free periods; it is a space to enjoy peace, quiet and fresh air;
  • Interested in politics? Then why not run to become the Sixth Form Sennedd member?
  • We are also used to supporting elite athletes balance representing their clubs and country whilst successfully completing their Sixth Form courses with us;
  • Finally, you will enjoy the opportunity to be part of a thriving student leadership team who run ten different committees making a real difference to the life of students across the school.

Estyn Quotes 2024

  • There are ample opportunities for pupils to develop their communication and leadership skills and this is a notable strength of the school. Pupil representatives run the school Senedd independently and others participate in a wide variety of committees that focus on important aspects such as diversity, well-being, and teaching and learning. These committees have successfully brought about positive change, such as introducing an accessible ‘Kindness Locker’ which provides any pupil with essential personal items and adapting learning environments carefully to support pupils with sensory needs.

  • A notable strength of the school is the extensive range of curricular choices for pupils. These include relevant vocational, practical and academic subjects, which reflect pupils’ aspirations and the employment needs of the local area. In addition, the school provides a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and sporting clubs for all its pupils including an annual musical production, which is staged in the town’s theatre. Overall, many pupils seize the valuable learning and social opportunities offered to them and make considerable progress in their personal development by the time they leave school.

  • The school plans and adapts its curriculum well to meet pupils’ needs and this is a strong feature. In the sixth form, it offers an extensive range of academic and vocational courses to support pupils’ aspirations and career path. Pupils can study subjects such as further mathematics, medical science, fashion and textiles and photography. In addition, well-established links with local schools are used beneficially to extend the curriculum offer for these pupils.
  • The school has a robust and effective system to monitor pupils’ progress. Leaders identify pupil underachievement and act upon this swiftly.

  • Sixth form pupils are excellent ambassadors of the school. They are generally mature, sensible and well-spoken young people who take substantial responsibility for their academic and personal development. Most communicate coherently and respectfully with visitors to the school and they convey their thoughts and opinions very well. Many are clear on their chosen career pathway and value highly the academic and personal support they receive from relevant leaders and staff.

  • Pupils thrive in a strong culture of safeguarding where leaders ensure that arrangements to keep pupils safe are robust.
  • Teachers value the support they receive from sixth form pupils to help younger pupils in lessons and when they sit and listen to them reading during literacy intervention sessions. In some cases, sixth form pupils prepare well-crafted resources to support teaching and learning. For example, A level biology pupils have produced helpful posters to model complex concepts of photosynthesis for those studying the subject for GCSE.