Year 8 Information
Key Contacts Year 8
Welcome to Year 8
No longer the youngest students in the school, year 8 students are now fully adapted to school life here at Ysgol John Bright. They are currently in their second year of following the Curriculum for Wales and we are seeing a wealth of ambition and creativity as they build on their skills from last year. They will continue to study a broad curriculum up to and including year 9 where they will then begin their options process as they move towards year 10.
What does form time look like in year 8?
During form time, students have a weekly check in with their tutors to check on their achievements in ClassCharts. They follow the PSHE programme, Jigsaw, twice a week which encourages meaningful discussions and reflections on everyday situations. Friday is challenge day where students compete in a range of activities from quizzes to puzzle solving activities, classroom debates, ‘Name 5’, but to mention a few of their challenges! We also have an assembly once a week which is an opportunity for us to gather the whole year group together to share important messages.
Subject Overview Year 8
Year 8 students in September 2022 at Ysgol John Bright will be contiuing their journey following the new ‘Curriculum for Wales’. The curriculum is designed to support students to develop as:
- Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
- Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
- Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
- Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
During Y8 the knowledge and skills that were taught in Year 7 will be built upon and further developed.
Key Dates Year 8
- 17th September: Meet the Tutor Evening
- 6th January: Assessment Point 1 report issued
- 11th March: Year 8 Parents’ Evening
- 28th April: Assessment Point 2 report issued
- 7th July: Assessment Point 3 full report issued