01492 864200

Year 11 Information

Key Contacts Year 11

Choose Year Group

Director of Learning

Miss Maria Stafford

Wellbeing & Behaviour Manager

Mrs Anita Eardley

Welcome to Year 11

Welcome to year 11, this will be another crucially important year. The exams that were completed in year 10 may offer some relief to students as they continue to progress this year, they will have their final stages of GCSEs to complete. They will also have some decisions to make about their next steps and how to get there. We often talk about the ‘School year’. The reality is that this academic year it is a 10-month journey before they are sitting their final exams and attending their ROA evening. Fear not, we are here to support you and your child every step of the way.

At YJB we aim to support your child with their preparation for their exams alongside guidance and support about their next steps. We have an excellent Careers advisor who will meet with your child individually to discuss potential options post 16, along with whole year assemblies and careers fairs from external agencies.

The pastoral programme is developed to encourage further guidance and advice on managing time, revision techniques, preparation for their next steps, and support throughout this busy year.

Subject Overview Year 11


Year 11 Road Map

Year 11 Key Dates

  • 14th October: Assessment Point 1 fortnight
  • 18th November: Assessment Point 1 report issued
  • 26th November: Year 11 Parents’ Evening
  • 13th-24th January: Year 11 English Oral Examinations
  • 21st January: 6th Form Open Evening
  • 27th January: Assessment Point 2 (mock exams) fortnight
  • 3rd March: Assessment Point 2 report issued
  • 25th-27th March: Year 11 Welsh Oral Exam (Unit 2)
  • 8th May: External GCSE exams begin
  • 25th June: Final day of GCSE exams

Other Key Dates/Events

Year 11 Date Preparation
DOL Evening Year 9, 10, 11 19th Sep Informal chat with RKS, Careers or Miss O Connor
BTEC( L2) Outdoor Ed expedition 2nd & 3rd Oct Those completing the Outdoor Ed qualification
Careers Fair ( 10-13) main hall 17th Nov Opportunity to visit during lunch and break. Different companies available for a chat
6th form open evening 23rd Jan Look at what the 6th form options are, gain better understanding of A/S and A levels; including LINC courses
Year 11 ‘ step up residential visit’ 6th & 7th Feb More detail to follow
6th form applications Early March Application through a Google Form
6th form interviews Late March Meet with a member of 6th form team to discuss your application( individual slots
6th form offer letters May Check your offer: Yes it is suitable, yes based on some conditions
ROA Date TBC Record of achievement night.
Results day 22nd August Onsite in the main hall