School Uniform
School Uniform Year 7 – 11
We expect our students to take pride in themselves and the school by wearing the full uniform. We ask that parents take responsibility for ensuring that their son/daughter is in the correct uniform each day.
High standards of appearance reflect a positive image of our school and one which creates a learning community we can be proud to be identified with. The uniform can be purchased exclusively from:
Uniform (formerly known as School Talk), 24 Madoc St, Llandudno LL30 2TL. Telephone Number: 01492 702757gol John Bright uniform Years 7 to 11:
• Navy blazer with thin gold trim/piping (with school logo)
• Navy jumper with gold trim (with school logo)
• Tie – (Years 7 – 8) gold with double thin navy stripe(Years 9 – 11) navy with gold stripe
• Banner charcoal grey senior boys trouser – no skinny trousers or jeans
• Banner charcoal grey girls trouser/Trutext trousers – no skinny trousers or jeans
• Banner charcoal grey Charleston skirt – knee length
• Plain white shirt
• Plain black socks or tights for girls
• Black shoes – not more than 2 inch heel, no boots, no trainers, leisure shoes or any logo
Hair should not be cropped, patterned, shaved (less than grade 3), dyed an unnatural colour, braided and should always be tied back for practical lessons.
Make-Up – No make-up, false nails or nail varnish
Jewellery – for health and safety reasons the only acceptable items of jewellery are :
• a wristwatch (not a Smart watch)
• one pair of small plain stud type earrings (to be worn one in each lobe)
• one plain signet ring
No facial or tongue piercings are allowed.
Hoodies are not permitted and should not be worn in the school building. They will be confiscated from students if worn.
Non-PE Days: Full uniform MUST be worn, including black school shoes, tie and blazers. NO trainers; NO leggings; NO non-uniform jumpers.
- PE Days: You must be in FULL PE uniform – NO non-uniform jumpers; NO black leggings / shorts / tracksuit bottoms.
Sixth Form Uniform
Dress Code
All Post 16 students are ambassadors for the school and role models to younger students. As such they are expected to set an example for the rest of the school and follow the school dress code.
All Post 16 students are expected to wear the following uniform:
- Price and Buckland black business suit (with the option of skirt or trousers)
- Price and Buckland tie – black with single thin gold stripe
- Plain white shirt
- Black school shoes (no more than 2cm heel, no boots, velcro fastenings, ‘leisure shoes’ or prominent sports logos)
- Dark socks or black opaque tights
- Denim, leather jackets, track suit styles or hoodies are not acceptable and coats should not be worn in place of the business suit blazer / jacket.
It must be stressed that our clear expectation is for skirts to be no shorter than knee length. If students are uncomfortable in knee length skirts, then it is acceptable for them to wear trousers. Fashion trousers and jeans are not permitted. Acceptable trousers must not be skin tight, denim or have zip pockets.
Uniform can be purchased from ‘Boppers Boutique’ in Colwyn Bay, or in Llandudno from ‘School Talk’.
Hair should not be shaved less than grade 3 or be dyed an unnatural colour. Long hair should be tied back for practical activities.
For Health and Safety reasons the only acceptable items of jewellery are:
- A wristwatch
- One pair of small plain stud type earrings (to be worn one in each lobe)
- A discrete amount of makeup can be worn (Staff will direct students to remove it if necessary.)
- Any nail varnish should be discrete and of a natural tone;
- No tattoos or body piercings are allowed.